Thursday, 31 May 2007

tax payer's money to build an enormous mosque


I am posting this as I feel the government would not use tax payers funds to build a Church, so why should it be used to build a mosque.

If we don't stand for our convictions, who will.

It is time to stand and let our voice be heard.

Kind Regards


----- Original Message -----
From: Stephen Kember
To: Friends
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2007 9:11 AM
Subject: Stephen kember

I’m not so sure that the development of a mega mosque bigger that St Pauls, paid for out of public funds, is a good idea for harmonious inter racial relations, nor is it fair from the perspective that our British Churches get no Government support whatsoever.

I am against the investment of public funds on such projects and in the following Downing street survey vote I have voted no this investment should not be made. Read on see what you think

Rest assured this is not a waste of time, these survey/voting mechanisms really do work; look what happened to the road pricing and vehicle monitoring proposals due to the huge ‘anti vote’ that was generated.

Please do vote as Downing Street really does take account of the messages coming thro on such important matters as this.

All the best

Stephen Kember

We need to act now before its to late

Don't know if you have heard about this but Ken Livingstone is apparently
planning to use tax payer's money to build an enormous mosque costing
an estimated £100M in the docklands.

Wouldn't it be better to spend the money on a new hospital or
improved transport facilities. anything but such a scheme as this:

The mosque will be BIGGER THAN ST PAUL'S!!!

The plan is for the mosque to be so big so that people flying in from all over the world for the 2012 Olympics will see it as the biggest landmark in London , bigger than St Pauls, Westminster Abbey or Wembley Stadium.

The vote so far is 56 % in favour. It looks like the Muslim community in
the UK is casting its vote in droves, and as usual the British are burying
their heads in the sand....

It is an undemocratic use of British Tax payers money, especially when
our Churches that are 100's of years old get no government funding to keep
their structures standing, and we are supposedly a Christian Nation.

To vote to "Scrap the 'Mega-Mosque" please sign the official Government
petition in the link below.
Please, after voting, copy & forward this to as many people as you can.

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